Thursday Poet’s Rally

blue winter morning
filled with white flakes–both hands ’round
cup of hot coffee

 for Jingle’s Thursday Poets’ Rally


Last week I received a nomination for the Thursday Poets’ Rally Perfect Poet Award from Brian Miller.  As a recipient, I am to nominate one person for this week’s award.  My nominee for the Thursday Poets’ Rally Perfect Poet Award is: Lauren of Poetry of the Soul.


If you haven’t visited to read and vote yet, please stop by David L. Harrison’s Word of the Month contest.

About T A Hillin-Smith

Just one of the literacy scholars on this site who wants to explore writing in all its complexities.
This entry was posted in Awards/Honors, Haiku, Poetry. Bookmark the permalink.

58 Responses to Thursday Poet’s Rally

  1. Pingback: Wish, Wash, Wheeze « Poetry of the Soul

  2. Jingle says:

    how r u?
    Happy March!

    Best Regards!

  3. Darling, I am doing a tribute for William,
    for his 6oth birthday,
    come and greet him?


  4. laurenmichelleotheim says:

    Ah, this was so sweet and simple and refreshing! Just like coffee on a cold morning! 😉 Beautifully done!!

    Thank you so much for the nomination! I am blown away!

  5. Doraz says:

    You are all a bunch of wonderful poets and deserve many rewards in life! 🙂

  6. blissbait says:

    OH! I could just curl up and take a delicious nap in Your words. LOVE this! Thank YOu and Cheers and Namaste. 🙂

  7. kseverny says:

    Aw no. i’ve given up my morning coffee

  8. Sandy says:

    Nice! And, the perfect way to start a day!

  9. Flor Gurner says:

    I don’t ever get to experience a snowy cold winter day, but you make it sound lovely.

    • Yousei Hime says:

      Flor Gurner,
      I didn’t get much snow at all growing up, but I did get cold weather. I’d have to say that this year I’ve had more than enough snow. I think we’ve had bit of snow every day this week. 😦 I shouldn’t complain. Snowfall is really beautiful. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  10. Tacy says:

    Oh, I’ve always thought of winter mornings as white or gray, but now I like calling them blue. Nice perspective, love the haiku! Congrats on the award, too! 😀

    • Yousei Hime says:

      Hi Tacy,
      I think winter has a lot more color to it than people give it credit for. I notice green, even in winter, because we are surrounded by pines. My favorite winter color is the lavender and blue you can seen early in the morning or just before sunset. Glad you liked the haiku. Have a great weekend. 🙂

  11. Pingback: Thursday Poets Rally Week 7 Perfect Poet Award « Jingle

  12. Angelia Sims says:

    Awesome! Wonderful job. I am so awed by the talent of you, Jaymie, Jingle and Blissbait and gang.

    Amazes me. Fills my soul. Thank you.

  13. Completely sums up everything a winter morning should be. ^_^

  14. waystationone says:

    congrats on the award…well deserved…

    love me some coffee, especially on cold winter morns…

  15. souldose says:

    I’m passing on my first ever award to the people who have stuck by me,you helped me and have great blogs, please come claim yours

  16. anthonynorth says:

    A nicely done haiku. I must put the kettle on now 🙂
    You’ll find mine here.

  17. william says:

    as always you share these haikus with the world and always they are special, thats why u received the award, because people recognize your gift, congrats to u and the recipient, well deserved xx

  18. Technobabe says:

    Awesome award for an awesome poetess!!! Congratulations.
    I like the double blue in the haiku: Blue winter morning and blue hands. Yes, good description. You reel us back in to the warmth with the hot coffee!! One of my favorite things. I so like this haiku. With the white stuff still overflowing here and so much cold it warms my innards to read your lovely work.

    • Yousei Hime says:

      Howdy. What a lovely comment. You warmed me right back. Did you visit the Word of the Month site and read the poems? There are some lovely ones. Stopping by your place later.

  19. wordwand says:

    lovely haiku ,good luck to you

  20. souldose says:

    Now I miss my coffee days… I’m going to check your nominee because I trust your judgement

  21. Jingle says:

    I see hot coffee with fresh smell plus thite snow outside your door,
    what comparison and contrast mental images from your post.

    beautiful Haiku!

  22. lesliepaints says:

    Absolutely wonderful haiku. You made that moment in winter so much more complete by writing it down.

    • Yousei Hime says:

      Good day to you, my friend. Glad you liked the coffee haiku. I love that first sip of coffee on a cold morning. Did you read the faerie poem? I based it on a garden we used to have.

  23. Lisa at Greenbow says:

    I like the idea of a hot cuppa on a cold winter morning.

    • Yousei Hime says:

      I drink twice the amount of coffee in winter that I do in summer (2 or 3 cups instead of 1). I started to write it so the reader knew it was flavored or chocolate flavored coffee. Then I thought, “Maybe the reader won’t like chocolate coffee . . . .” So it stayed universal. Of course, some people don’t even drink coffee but they’ll understand the idea of holding something warm, inviting, and comforting. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

  24. Pingback: Thursday Poets’ Rally Week 7 (Feb 25-March 3, 2010) « Jingle

  25. fiveloaf says:

    really enjoyed this..

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